Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gerry at 28 and 81

Geraldine or Gerry as she is called, has only been a resident of the good shepherd for about 3 months. She is originally from Toledo, but has a daughter in the area. I walked around with my mom and grandma today, looking for people who might have photos of themselves when they were younger. I found a lot of people who are originally from the area don't have photos. My mom introduced me to Gerry, and I explained my project to her. She smiled and pointed to a box full of pictures. I asked if I could look for one of her and she agreed. Soon I found the perfect picture for my project. The date on the back indicated that it was taken in 1954 or 55. Today, Gerry said, she was 81. I continued talking to her and captured exactly what I am looking for with this project.
I was tempted to give up and find something easier since no one seemed to have any photos, but after meeting Gerry, I see how much I could learn from doing this project. This week I plan to look for more people to photograph at the Good Shepherd as well as the Villa apartments and perhaps the martin house.


ME said...

I'm liking them a lot. I think the ones with just the hands and photo work the best. have you considered maybe creating a higher contrast in shading?

spoonful of sugar said...

love this content- i know the pictures might be tough to find, but keep plugging away.. i think you're on to something really interesting & meaningful!

ME said...

to respond to your comment - there is not place MORE appropriate to use profanity then my blog.

Anonymous said...

i love the contrast between young and old...sometimes i see pictures of people i know from years ago and they look like comepletely differant people...and other times they've barely changed! the passing of time is kind to some and not to others....