Sunday, March 1, 2009

Photography show

This year the FAVA notices where sent via e-mail and did not specify which pieces were accepted. I entered 3 photos and was hoping that a series from the fair (which I'll post tomorrow) got in. The other 2 photos were ones from my elderly people series.

So, I entered the gallery excited to see which work had been selected. I was a little let down when I saw the piece with my grandmothers hands hanging with a cluster of other photos.
It's not that I dislike this image, but it is traditional and has been done before.
I appreciated the juror, Christopher Yates, taking the time to address the crowd and talk about why he chose certain pieces to receive awards.
The majority of photographs on display were traditional black and white photos, some silver gelatin, others digital and ink jet prints.

Among the photos that caught my attention was a collodium print, 2 prints implementing encaustic, and a very nice black and white portrait of a chicken.

Overall I think this years FAVA photography show was well juried and displayed a diverse collection of work from artists in and around Ohio.

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