Monday, March 2, 2009

Midterm statement

For the past several years animals have been the main subject matter of my work. I have explored dead animal, live animals, cartoon animal people, farm animals. By exploring different ways of photographing animals I came to the realization that in order to make my photography work I needed to take it to a personal level. My current work illustrates my experiences with animals. This includes pets as well as animals I have encountered in the wild.
In elementary school some kinds put a bunch of grasshoppers in my lunchbox while we were out on the playground and told me to go open it. This incident inspired the image "Crickets for Lunch." Another image shows a guinea pig and a stack of bread on a scales. The animals in my photos will be familiar to the general public, which is important so everyone can relate to the work. My intention is to illustrate my own experiences as well create images that a diverse audience can relate to.

1 comment:

A Girl Can Always Dream said...

Your statement is good but expand a little. Talk about printmaking and digital art. Say something about the importance of color or lack of color, because I know that's something you think a lot about. Studio setups vs. natural. Please send me a typed word document too.
