Monday, March 2, 2009


Lately I have become very frustrated with printmaking and the lack of work I accomplish. I think that my photographs are stronger and I enjoy working behind the camera better than trying to get all my ideas correctly into a drawing. I'm in printmaking 4 as well as computer art 4, so it's equal as far as credits go.

My problem is this: I was going to use the ideas I came up with about pets for printmaking. Now I am going to photograph them instead, so I don't know what to do for printmaking.

I was looking at the book Posters for the People, which is a collection of the posters that the WPA created in the 1930 and 40s. The are all screen prints and range from announcements for art shows and theater events to health awareness and conservation of parks.

Anyway so I was thinking that I could make posters that went along with my photographs so I could still have my printmaking tie into the big picture.

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