Sunday, October 5, 2008

No Progress in digital

I've been putting a lot of time into printmaking lately. I haven't really been in the mood for pictures for some reason. I was excited about the elderly people shoot, but the excitement has kind of worn off since I have found how hard it is to work with these people. I think I just need to take a fresh look at it, and maybe not photograph people in the nursing home. We'll see, I still have hope for this project its just going a lot slower than I would like.

1 comment:

ME said...

thanks Laura for the comment.

have you thought about going to peoples actual homes.
I'm an intern for the Obama campaign and I go door-to-door every Sunday talking to people about politics. I meet a LOT of old people that invite me into their homes to talk.

it just takes a little bit of guts to work up the nerve to knock on peoples doors and start asking them questions......but I think it would be worth it for you.

you should take someone with you so its not so awkward.