Saturday, October 25, 2008

no line

Is this more effective?


spoonful of sugar said...

i really like where you're going with this. i think the pairing could be really effective like this. (especially in that large panorama-format you talked about earlier.)

and i definitely like this better without the line! nice work!

also... have you thought about playing with color in these, or do you want to keep them strictly black & white? i really liked the 'vintage' color you were getting in your previous landscapes..what if you played with this as a way to emphasize memory past & present? just a thought!

A Girl Can Always Dream said...

I think the images are much more effective without the line. The line is distracting.

The image pairs are like looking into the subject's thoughts or memories. I really like what you have shown so far...

Anonymous said...

i like this better...but id like to see a very thin black line too just to try it not completely convinced by the gery against grey of the pictures side by side...

Anonymous said...

***gray against gray!
i went all old english on ya...oops!

ME said...

without the line is much better.

where have you been? i never see you in digital art any more.