Thursday, January 22, 2009


It's about time that I figure out what I'm going to do and stick to it. I've spent the last few semesters circling various topics and ideas, as well as ways of working. I think I finally decided on something I am interested in, and could possibly make a thesis about.

We all go through different stages in life. Sometimes were happy, other times were miserable. The same goes for growing up. Sooner or later we all grow up to some extent. I am going to explore these changes through still life photography.

For a while now my work has had animals in it- dead ones, live ones, animal people, and more. It was not until recently though that these animals took one a more personal meaning. When I started making images about animals I owned or had encountered it made more sense.

My printmaking this semester is focused on my childhood pets, and the effects they had on my life. My still life's are going to draw on the idea of growing up, and moving through life, which I think I can tie into the pet images. I don't have any completed ideas for the still lives yet, but I don know I will be working with studio lighting and complex still life arrangements.

I'll post more when I figure it out. Your feedback is welcome!

1 comment:

ME said...

sounds really interesting Laura. I hope I get to see some of your work this semester.