Monday, November 10, 2008

Random thoughts about my work

Ok, so I know i'm supposed to have an artist statement completed soon, but for now the only place it exists is in my head.

I'm happy with the direction my work is going this semester, but I have yet to see were this photography project fits into things.

My idea coming into Printmaking was to make images that related to war. The concept has evolved into something slightly different. The work that I am doing now relates closely to my life currently (every artists probably does...) The war prints and the animal incident series are a reaction to events in my life. The photographs of elderly people paired with weather directly relates to my experience with my granda in the nursing home. I never would have thought of taking pictures of elderly people if I hadn't watched and gotten to know the residents of Good Shepard over the last few years.

I chose to pair the portraits with weather and cloud patterns because thats what life is like. You can read the nursing home residents much like you can read the weather.

That was nothing like an artist statement, so I guess I'll still have to work on that . I hope my work is not too cliche, and that I can actually finish something in printmaking.

1 comment:

spoonful of sugar said...

no no, your work is not cliche- don't worry about that. it's hard to put your thoughts into words that make sense into a statement, but i think you can definitely come up w/ something that makes sense with your work this semester.

maybe start by just jotting down statements/sentences/phrases as they come into your head?? then try putting these bits and pieces together into a full statement. good luck!!