Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another week would be great!

Then I could get everything done... Guess thats not going to happen. I decided I'm going to make a new box. I have to order new supplies though, so it probably won't be till the weekend.


James Brundage said...

I'd like to second the motion of another week. Then I wouldn't be tearing my hair out. lol

ME said...

laura arthur i'm sorry about my smartass blog. will you ever forgive me?

spoonful of sugar said...

where should we apply for another week? who is the ultimate Keeper of Time? ..Fred Finks?

let's find out and all sign a petition!

ME said...

hey laura,
do you know if Spectrum makes projector slides?

ME said...

could you help me make one (i will pay you). i can't use the digital set up becasue of the laptop.

when can we make one and what do i need?

ME said...

But I'm always you at least

I'll be in A&H from 10:00-2:00 tomorrow.

I still have to work on my image though. Will you be around during comp. art? maybe we can do it then?

ME said...

Ummm, I'll check with jessi first - but I think she might be sick. So do I just give you the image I need and then you go to your studio OR do I need to go the studio as well. how do we do this.

And yes, I will pay you for this. Because its finals week and your busy and don't have time to be doing this for free.

ME said...

Holy crap! You mean I get to see your studio!

OK, well I will get the image to you probably around 1:00- you can email me if you have any questions. And yes, I do want to go to your studio. i'm not going to pass up that invitation.

ME said...

OK, i'll probably be their around 2:15ish. thank you for doing all this...i owe you one.