Monday, October 13, 2008

Midterm artist statment

This semester I’m working on a project about time and the effects of age. I am interested in making a connection between young and old. I am working with the residence at Good Shepherd nursing home and villa, to find individuals that have photographs of themselves when they were younger. It is interesting to hear their stories and reactions to how they view themselves now as opposed to then. I spend a while talking to the person, and then ask them if I can photograph them with their younger picture. I am trying to drawing a connection between the people now, their stories, and the photo of them closer to the time the stories took place. I think it is important to have a strong connection between the individuals I choose for the final compilation, including only people that grew up in the Ashland area, and even Ohio, because I can relate to this. By placing an elderly person next to a younger image of them, I hope that the viewer will stop and look for connections. Sometimes age is kind, other times not so much. I hope a story will make the connection stronger for the viewer.
After I photograph a dozen or so people, and collect their stories I plan to present the project in a coffee table style book.

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