Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catch up time

Ok, so I'm a little behind on the blogging... I'm going to try to make up for lost time. Today the Art Theory and Crit class traveled to Cleveland to view an exhibit at the MOCA. I had never been to this space, so I was excited to see what they had to offer.
The show that is on view now is FROM THEN TO NOW:Masterworks of Contemporary African American Art. I was familiar with several of the artists on display, and enjoyed learning about some new ones too.
One of my favorite works was by Bradley McCallum and Jacqueline Tarry. I am including an excerpt from their website describing the project, there were only a select number of portraits on display at the MOCA though.

"The 104 portraits pay homage to the protesters who were arrested during the January 1956 Montgomery Bus Boycotts. Each portrait is constructed of two layers: one, an oil painting on linen painted from the original mugshot and the second a photographic image printed on sheer silk. The source image for both the painting and the photographic layer was the original mugshot of each protester. This work forms a dialogue between classical portraiture; which establishes a position of dignity and honor for its subjects, and photography as document and evidence. On the painted layer the arrest record is omitted; however, this number appears as a ghostly image on the silk layer."

It was refreshing to see some good contemporary art as I continue working on my show. I will provide updates as they come.

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