Sunday, October 25, 2009


Well its been a while since I posted anything. Unfortunately I don't have any profound prints to show yet, but I'm working on it. In the mean time I've been photographing some fall color. Heidi and I have a show at the hospital in December and I'm probably going to hang some landscapes. Anyway here are some recent photos.


Anonymous said...

these are very nice!....are you not on facebook anymore?

Anonymous said...

I can understand that, I've been thinking about deleting my account also. umm,
I haven't been up to much. I'm in the process of becoming a sub for Columbus city schools.

I can't wait to start grad school I've really missed making art. How have you been? I miss seeing your work. I can't wait for your senior show - your going to kick-ass!

Anonymous said...

Yep, still going to Pratt. But I'm applying to a few more schools in the meantime because New York is so expensive to live in. I will definitely be at your show! Like a good friend, I will write comments in the guestbook saying how great your work is. If your ever in Columbus let me know - we should have lunch or something.

Kat said...

Your photography is stunning!

Shirley Landis VanScoyk said...

Gorgeous pictures. Absolutely.